Our Philosophy
Corporate Slogan
Eat Well, Live Well.
Contributing to the well-being of all human beings, our society and our planet with “AminoScience”
Ajinomoto Group Creating Shared Value
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ASV Initiatives
Co-create social and economic value with our stakeholders through our business
Ajinomoto Group Way
Create new value. Pioneer spirit. Social contribution. Value people.
The Ajinomoto Group Way

Create New Value “Create”
Create value with new ideas and continuous innovation based on unique technologies and science.

Pioneer Spirit “Pioneer”
Continue to constantly take on the challenge of creating new businesses and markets.

Social Contribution “Contribute”
Accommodate social requirements with humility and honesty, with the objective of maximizing value for society through business activities.

Value People “Respect”
Respect the humanity of all the people involved in the Ajinomoto Group’s businesses, and be an organization in which they can grow and display their abilities to the fullest extent.