Ajinomoto Thailand

Ajinomoto is awarded the 2023 "Green Industry Level 4", emphasizing our dedication to driving the organization toward a sustainable green culture


            Recently, Factories of Ajinomoto Group in Thailand, including Nong Khae Factory and Birdy Factory, were awarded the Green Industry Award Level 4 (Green Culture) which led by Mr. Thinakorn Tantikamol, Nong Khae Factory Manager, and Mr. Prasarn Pokpoon, Birdy Factory Manager, as the representatives of the company to receive the award from Mr. Tawan Taweethavornsawat, Inspector of Ministry of Industry, at Makkhawan Rangsan Room, Royal Thai Army Club (Vibhavadi), Bangkok. The Green Industry Level 4 is the award presented to honor and certify the manufacturer with a high level of environmental friendliness who strongly promotes the involvement of all employees on environmental concerns continuously, along with operating our business with social responsibility both inside and outside the organization towards sustainable development, so that it becomes part of the Green organizational culture.

            "The Green Industry Project" has been initiated by the Ministry of Industry since 2011, aiming to encourage manufacturers to run their businesses with environmental friendliness and social responsibility. The award's levels are categorized as follows; Level 1: Green commitment, Level 2: Green activity, Level 3: Green systems, Level 4: Green culture, and the highest level is Level 5: Green network. The Factories of Ajinomoto Group have joined the project and have operated their businesses in accordance with the high standards set by the Ministry of Industry. Our next goal is to achieve the highest award at Level 5.

            The Ajinomoto Group aims to co-create social and economic value through our business by working to reduce environmental impacts and promote health and well-being for people. We place importance on the preservation of the environment through various strict policies to systematically reduce the occurrence of waste from every step of the operation, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) continuously and promoting employee participation for the efficient use of resources and energy management both inside factories and office buildings. These activities are part of what is driving the company to achieve our 2030 goal of reducing its environmental impact by 50% in accordance with Ajinomoto’s sustainability development plan.