Ajinomoto Thailand

Ajinomoto Thailand joins as a speaker at Thailand Japan Economic Forum 2023 driving for growing business network


          Recenty, Mr.Ichiro Sakakura, President of Ajinomoto Co., (Thailand) Ltd., was invited to join as a speaker in Thailand-Japan Economic Forum 2023 under the concept of the future direction of Co-Creation in the economic field between Japan and Thailand in order to promote Thailand-Japan's new dimension of economic cooperation as the potential cooperation on sustainable development for economic growth by synergizing Japan's green growth strategy and Thailand's bio-circular, green (BCG) economic model which aims to develop more resilient supply chains in industrial sectors, including through BCG activities. The seminar was held by Board of Trade of Thailand together with AEM-METI Economic and Industrial Cooperation Committee (AMEICC) at Anoma Grand Hotel.

           Mr.Sakakura, President of Ajinomoto Thailand, as a representative of Japanese-based leading food company in Thailand, stated about the future direction of economic cooperation and relations between Thailand and Japan with co-creation in the economic field. Moreover, the president also discussed and exchanged experience related to eco-friendly business operation promoting global sustainability following Bio-Circular-Green Economy Model which is in accordance with our commitment and dedication to to co-create social and economic value through our business by working to reduce environmental impacts and promote health and well-being for people in accordance with "The Ajinomoto Group Creating Shared Value (ASV)", which serves as a conceptual framework for the Ajinomoto Group's work worldwide.